Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Literacy Parade

Dressing up as a book character was so much fun. The children had a great time seeing the older students on parade.

Here are the girls

some cute boys

Having a parade in the middle of the week with lots of crazy and cute costumes it's a great way to get ready for Halloween.
Pre-K was a great place to be today. The children were all excited to show off their costumes and share their book. All of the story characters were so cute, we had Power Rangers, Princesses, Doctors, Fairies, Firefighters, Thomas, Cat in the Hat, Poodles, Olivia and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

We all got to read the story  "Go Away Big Green Monster"by Ed Emberley.
We chose shapes and got special scissors to create our own Big Green Monsters. They turned out so adorable and a little scary.
We had a parade to end the day, it felt great to see so many parents ready to cheer for the kids.
Thanks for a great day and have a safe Halloween.

look at these cute girls on parade

some of the activities we did this week

making ABC patterns with pompoms. 

Building letters

counting leaves

                                                               sorting shapes

                                             using tongues to place some eyeballs into a tray

sorting pinecones by size

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Red ribbon week and transportation

This week we'be had lots of activities at Wilson. Kids got to learn about transpotration as well as safety. In Pre-k everyone is an artist. Kids got to make "Dot The Firedog" by following directions, we also got a chance to see  a police dog and made a pledge to be drug free! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Yoghurt party for Pre-k

The afternoon group got a surprise today when they were treated with a yoghurt patry from the PTO. Our class had the most participation on the "write a check campain". Thank you parents for supporting our school!  

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Pre-k is getting familiar with their community, we've been learning about different buildings and the people who work in these places. We are making our maps of our neighborhoods and talking about distance. 
Please take a moment to discuss things and people in our city with your child. 

Que divertido es aprender acerca de nuestra comunidad y el barrio. Aproveche a converse con su hijo/a acerca de lugares y personas que viven y trabajan en la comunidad. Usamos y creamos mapas para conocer las distancias de ciertos lugares. Que divertido!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Parent/teacher conference

Here is the link to book your conference with me next week. Let me know if there is anything you would like to know in advanced.
Thank you.

Sink and float

Pre-k has been busy with science experiments. This week we got a chance to make predictions and prove our hipothesis about objects that sink or float. The children brought objects from home to test in the water. All of them got to classify their objects and record their findings.