Sunday, November 17, 2013

My Family

Pre-K has been busy learning and sharing about our family. We are noticing how all families are different but they are all special. The children have enjoyed making a family tree with the family and sharing it in class, they are so proud of their family. After the learners present their family tree they choose a student to compliment their work, it it a great way for children to be proud of what they do.
Feel free to come to school to see their tree displayed.
In this unit we are also learning about different celebrations and traditions as families which include dance and food. This has been a great opportunity for us to learn the kind of food do we eat. We are encouraging the children to notice the color of food that is on their plates, the more color the better. That's why we made a Rainbow of food.
En Pre-k hemos estado conociendo y presentando a nuestras familias. Hemos notado como todas las familias son diferentes pero todas son especiales. Los niños han estado disfrutando de hacer un árbol genealógico con su familia y después presentarlo en clase. Una vez terminada su presentación escogen a un amigo que comente acerca de lo que le gusto de su trabajo.
En esta unidad tambien aprendimos acerca de celebraciones en casa y tradiciones que incluyen bailes y comida. Esa ha sido una gran oportunidad de hablar de comidas sanas. Estamos animando a los ninos a fijarse en los colores que hay en su plato, mientras mas colorido mas sano, hay que incluir algo de verde, anaranjado y amarillo. Por eso hicimos un arcoiris de comida.

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