Friday, December 6, 2013

Making shapes with our bodies

This has been a great week. We are learning about shapes, the children were able to create some cool shapes in the playground. To think that on Tuesday we made these and on Thursday it started snowing is hard to believe. 

What a beautiful day to make shapes with our bodies. This is a circle as you can see.

This rectangle took a lot of friends working  together! it looks awesome.

Our circle looks more like a pentagon, but it's still great.

The weather was so beautiful and warm that the sun made these students face down. What a great triangle.

What shape can you make with only 2 people? a triangle of course.

This is a fantastic rectangle!

5 senses

Humpty Dumpty helped us this week with our sense of hearing; using plastic eggs filled with different things to use as sound shakers was a great activity. The children got to shake them and then compare the sound they made, then grade them from loudest to softest. 

Talking about the 5 senses has been fun this week. We have done lots of experiments and learned to be aware of the world around us. Balloons were filled with rice, flour, water, beans and seeds, then the children had to match the same textures together; of course without looking in the bag.

we tasted things that were sour, sweet, salty and bitter for our sense of taste. We also smelled bottles and classified them into good smells and yucky smells.

The kids enjoyed touching our touch board with different textures on it.